Archive for October, 2011

When I was in my late teens I worked on a couple of different janitorial crews. Those who worked these jobs had some things in common: We wore the same color shirts, we knew how to change a belt on a vacuum, we carried walkie-talkies (yes, before cell phones) and […]


While in Rome on a “footsteps of Paul” trip a few weeks ago, I had the privilege to tour the Coliseum. It was an amazing man-made structure that has stood for thousands of years. In the middle of the modern city stood something that is centuries older than anything that […]


I’ve had a number of people ask me when I’m going to start blogging again. Here’s the answer: Now. Tomorrow I’ll start to post a series of blogs that were conceived while I was following the footsteps of Paul in hgh vitamins Athens, Corinth, Ephesus, and Rome. Then, I’ll soon […]