Archive for September, 2013

“These men who have turned the world upside down have come here also…” (Acts 17:6) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Equilibrium (def.): A condition…resulting in a stable, balanced, unchanging system. It’s common for church leaders to work very hard to maintain constant equilibrium in their congregations. They try not to upset anyone, especially anyone […]


“In the beginning God created…” (Gen 1:1 NIV) The very first thing we learn about God in the Bible is that He is creative—and for the first 26 verses we see God at work masterfully creating an unfathomable cosmos, life-sustaining systems, invisible atoms and everything else imaginable (and unimaginable). Then, […]


The other day I took a look at the details of my job description and was intimidated. I started to wonder if I could actually ever accomplish all the conditions set out for me—then I began to think about the other 13 District Supervisors who are called to the same […]


Not too long ago I had a friend visiting me in my city, Los Angeles. As I excitedly drove him down the freeways and through the streets, pointing out all the things I loved, he mentioned that some of it reminded him of traveling in underdeveloped countries. The statement threw […]


Perhaps you’ve heard, or even used, the maxim that a large ship takes a long time to turn around but a small boat can be turned on a dime. Often this is used concerning organizations: The thinking is that small operations can withstand quick change and large ones need lots […]