Best Supporting Actor

side_oscarThis morning I heard a great sermon by Kalli Davis, a youth pastor at my church. Among the profound things she said, was the important reminder that our lives are not all about us. One of the core aspects of our faith is the idea that Jesus is the lead character in our stories; we must recognize the fact that we exist in a supporting role in our own lives.

This is difficult for many. As human beings, we are given to believe that we alone are most important in our personal journey, and that if we can’t be the center of THE universe, well, at least we can be the center of OUR own universe.

But part of what happens when we accept the good news is that Jesus is now in charge. We are part of a much bigger story—an eternally epic narrative in which each of us plays an important, but nonetheless supporting, role. My journey is a part of God’s plan of redemption and even the things that seem small in my life play into His ultimate design in history.

Far from making our lives inconsequential, this pulls us into a life of meaning far beyond anything we could ever design on our own. You see, when I’m the primary actor in my own show, the story isn’t all that great (no matter how great it may actually be) compared to the surpassing greatness of the story God is writing.

Given the choice, I chose to be the supporting actor…and I’ll do all I can to be the best supporting actor I can possibly be.