

This Thanksgiving day I’m very grateful for…

  1. An amazing Lord who is full of never-ending love, grace and and power.
  2. A wonderful wife who is a true best friend, ministry partner, and fellow traveler on this great adventure of life.
  3. Bright, creative kids who surprise me every day with what they can do and who they are turning out to be.
  4. A fantastic family who has taught me to put Jesus first in everything.
  5. Faithful friends who have been there to celebrate the great times, and who have been there to support me through the tough times.
  6. National freedom that provides me with opportunity to impact my world with the Gospel of Christ.
  7. Godly pastors and mentors who are never afraid to tell it like it is, and who, through encouragement, counsel and correction, have shaped me to be a more godly man.
  8. The unmistakable call of God into a life of vocational ministry leadership that I would never have chosen on my own, but now wouldn’t trade for all the riches in the world.
  9. The humbling opportunity to have influenced, encouraged, trained and sent leaders who now, in turn, impact people all over the globe.

    And finally…

  10. Turkey, pumpkin pie, football, Charlie Brown, crisp weather, talks & walks with the family, Christmas decorations, leftovers, naps and all the other little pleasures that come with this particular weekend!