Post #101

Yesterday represented my 100th post on this blog.

What started out two years ago as a way to kill time during a Thanksgiving break has become a great tool to discipline my thoughts and work on my writing; it’s an outlet for this extroverted introvert to share what I’m learning and thinking with whoever might be interested.

I used to post once every couple of weeks, then it became about once a week, and now my wife and my best friend have challenged me to write a few times a week. So, now, every ‘work’ day, I sit down and search my soul to discover what it might have to say. Sometimes I’m happy with what I write; other times I think what I write is dangerously close to drivel or I question if I’m being too bold or too timid—there are times when I figure nobody but me cares.

Regardless, it has been a healthy practice for me to continue.

However, I do wonder who might also feel that me writing is a good thing. Besides my wife and best friend, and the occasional person who comments on the blog or tells me they read it (oh, and my mom), I have no idea who looks at this blog. I know, I know, there are tech tools out there to track how many clicks you are getting and where they are coming from. But I have a confession: I am technically illiterate. The fact that I figured out how to “design” (and I use that word loosely) and publish this blog is a miracle. I’ve often wondered what I would do if the system crashed or I had to re-do everything. Honestly, I’d have no idea.

So, in a moment of scary personal transparency, I’m going to ask a favor. If you read this blog (yes, that would be you reading this blog right now), could you chime in? All I’m asking for is a quick comment on this post that let’s me know you are looking at this.

Even if there are only a few people I’ll be encouraged to hear from you. Even if there is nobody, I’ll keep writing because it’s good for me…I just want to know if it’s good for you, too.

Oh, and hi, Mom.