Why I stopped following Jesus

This Sunday I told everyone at my church that I stopped following Jesus.

Scandalous? Not really. You see there is this Twitter user who goes by the name “Jesus” and posts messages as if He were the Son of God. It was funny to follow him for a while, but I quickly realized that this Jesus had little to do with the One I’ve been worshiping for almost 40 years.

He was clearly a fake, so I un-followed him.

But how many people think they are really following Jesus when all they are actually doing is  ‘Twitter-following’ Him? They are content to check out (and sometimes re-tweet) pithy, epic, profound or fun statements from or live sex videos about Jesus. They’re happy to be His followers, as long as they can choose turn Him on or off when they want.

A true follower, however, is someone who listens to everything—all of the time. Jesus even went a step further: He said that whoever wanted to follow Him had to give up everything else in their life. Following Jesus is an all or nothing proposition.

To follow Jesus, you die to yourself and live only for Him. I think if that was the requirement for following someone on Twitter I’d have a lot less followers…and I’d be following a lot less people.

We should stop “following” Jesus and start FOLLOWING Him, instead!