What does the Bible say about gay marriage?

Yesterday, Newsweek showed up at our house with the cover story: “The Religious Case for Gay Marriage”. Religion editor Lisa Miller argues that we’re missing the intent of the Bible when we use it to justify excluding marriage for two people of the same gender. While there is lot’s to discuss here, I’m mostly concerned with her use (or misuse) of the Bible in this article.

Not long ago I wrote a research paper on Thinking Biblically and Pastorally About Homosexuality (click on the link, or go to the writing sub-page under the “Share” page on this blog). Cliffnotes: Solid Biblical thinking and pastoral love are not mutually exclusive. The paper is ok, but the annotated bibliography at the end will lead you to deeper and better resources, including a gem by John Stott on Same Sex Partnership. For a quickly accessible Biblical counter-perspective to this Newsweek piece, see Southern Baptist Seminary President Albert Mohler’s post on his blog.