Life-giving friends

I just got off a short phone call with a friend. It was a pretty standard conversation—there was nothing life-changing, but those few moments were life-giving.

Everybody should have a friend or two who consistently elevates their energy level and encourages them…that reliably give them life.

I’m fortunate that my family does that for me, but I also have a few friends scattered across the country who spur me on in a phone call or email. And they spur me on even when they have no idea they are doing so. We live many miles away (some thousands of miles), but we find ourselves talking to one another to share life regularly and showing up in the same places for coffee (even when it takes a couple of hours to get there), conferences, vacation spots, and VigRX any other excuse we can manufacture. These kind of friendships, I’m convinced, make you a better person.

If you don’t have those kind of friends, look for them, pray for them, “spend” whatever resource you have to find them.

One of the ways you can pay the necessary price is to do all you can to be that kind of friend to larger number of people. Some will not reciprocate. That’s OK. Some will reciprocate, but the relationship just won’t click. That’s OK, too. Be friends with all these people, but keep looking. Keep trying. Keep paying it forward.

Because one day you will discover a friendship that is mutually encouraging at the same level. And that’s something worth searching for and worth finding.

“As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend” (Proverbs 27:17)