
I’m about ready to head into a yearly study break. I take a few days, usually with a few friends who are also pastors, and spend much of the time stopping—listening; reflecting; praying; writing; planning. The pastors who are there occasionally connect and share what we feel God has been saying. It may inspire us or it may cause us to push on each other a little. But it’s always encouraging and challenging.

I try to stop being so wired and connected. We are usually in a place with bad cell service and spotty (if any) internet. That’s Ok—this is an intentional time out to listen intently to what the Lord may be telling me for my congregation. Usually I come home with a good chunk of next years sermon series lined out. Always I come home having remade an important connection with the Lord.

You probably aren’t a pastor and don’t have the same rhythm that I do, but I want to ask you: Do you ever break? I’m not talking about vacation or a day off or a weekend of recreation or a date night or a lazy Saturday around the house. Those are all good. But what I mean is, do you ever take some intentional time—maybe a few hours or a half or full-day—and reflect on where your family is in their growth in the Lord, how you are sharing Jesus at your job, the state of whatever ministry you are called to serve, and the condition of your own heart? Do you ever turn off the cell phone, turn off the email, turn off the TV, and hang out, take a walk, or sit to pray long enough to really press through and hear some direction?

Maybe you are saying: “Tim, that’s easy for you to say, you are a pastor”. In one sense you are right. In another sense, pastors are some of the most busy people I know. They should build in extended time to pray, read, reflect, and dream into their official schedule…but most pastors I know (and I know A LOT) usually do that stuff on the fringes, just like you.

The point is, we’re all busy. Whether you can take a week, 3 days, or just a day, I want to challenge you to spend some time (longer than your normal devotional time would take) to stop, break, and get your soul back in contact with Jesus. Dream with Him. Listen to Him. And then come back ready to be obedient to Him.

By the way—it’s probably self-evident by now, but no blogs next week. I’ll resume writing on October 25.