Walking into God’s will

“Teach me Your way O Lord, and I will walk in Your truth. Give me an undivided heart so that I may fear Your Name. I will praise You O Lord my god with all of my heart. I will glorify Your name forever. For great is Your love towards me; You have delivered me from the depths of the grave.Psalms 86

I’ve uttered the first part of that prayer often: “God, if you would only tell me what’s up, I’d walk the way you lead me…I just need to hear you more clearly!”.

Have you ever felt that way? You are totally prepared to follow the Lord, but His instructions seem a bit fuzzy. It’s not a matter of disobedience, but a issue with clarity.

As I continued to read the Psalm this morning I noticed that there is a continuation of that prayer. David provides an answer for when direction may be less than straightforward.

When I’m trying to figure out the path God has laid out for me, first I need to make sure my life is not divided; I must check my heart and make sure there is nothing in me that I’m putting in the place of God.

Then, I need to worship Him with all of my heart. I may not understand His specific direction to me, but I am invited to boldly come into HIs presence and give myself to Him fully.

Finally, I should remind myself just how much God loves me by recounting the constant history of His rescue and redemption in my life.

I believe that if my heart is given to God alone, if I am worshiping him with all my life, and if I remember HIs great and constant love for me, then I can just start walking.

In other words, I don’t need to worry so much about whether I’m fuzzy on the specifics, because I’ve put myself in a position where He can give added clarity or correction regarding the way He wants me to walk if it’s necessary.