What are we really giving people?

Recently my best friend John Fehlen used the following quote in a sermon he preached. Are we giving people God, or are we giving them our good ideas? Hint, our culture needs more than our “success” and redeemed strategies; they need the presence of Jesus!

“Many Christian leaders are uncomfortable with genuine spiritual realities that involve the powerful and immediate presence of God. The truth is, many churches are more secular than the culture. Everything that transpires in them can be explained away in terms of human talent Semenax and ingenuity. It could be a huge mistake on the church’s part to continue its pursuit of programs and methodological prowess (what ‘works’) when the world desperately seeks for God. Only when something goes on in church that can be explained as a God-thing will a spiritually-fascinated culture pause to take notice. Otherwise, those outside the church culture are not impressed with building programs and real estate acquisitions. What church culture people see as evidence of success matters little to pre-Christians.” Reggie McNeal; A Work of Heart