Speaking at East Hill Church

9780830747535A couple of weeks ago I had the privilege of speaking in the pulpit of East Hill Church in Gresham, Oregon. This Church means a lot to me, as its last three leaders are men of God who I  respect.

Jerry Cook is, in my opinion, a rock star (though I’ll bet he’d hate my using that term) when it comes to waking the church up to the need for Missional theology and practice. It’s recorded in a book that is still in print: Love, Acceptance, and Forgiveness. He wrote it 30 years ago. When nobody was talking about the Missional church, he and his congregation were living it!

Ted Roberts has helped the church see the need to teach healthy Biblical sexuality. In a culture that has given itself over to unhealthy sexuality that leads people into bondage, Ted has had the courage to stand up and declare liberation from satanic oppression and freedom to healthy God-ordained and honoring sexual functioning.

Jason Albelo is a good friend of mine. He’s younger than me by a few years (not too many!), and has been leading East Hill for only a short season. He represents the best of the new generation of pastors and leaders who are emerging into significant places of influence in the Foursquare Church. I can’t wait to see the impact he makes on our world from the pulpit of that great church.

Anyways, if you want to see my sermon about wrestling with an uncertain future (a word God gave me a few weeks ago as I was wrestling about what He had for me), you can find it at this link for a couple of more weeks.


Tim Clark